The Concept Vert programs have been tailored by a specialist in early childhood education. Our staff is qualified in Safety Oriented First Aid and is dedicated to fostering academic excellence through an enriched curriculum in Montreal. We strive to instill in our children a natural curiosity and lifelong commitment to learning in a daycare setting.
Our goal is the development of critical and creative thinking, and the ability to communicate ideas. [ See our schedule (FR) ]
Priority is given to maturation respecting the natural rhythm of the developing child- ”The child will learn” instead of ”The child is informed” which is to say the child is given support and allowed to learn through experience. We would like to become an extension of the child’s family life by offering a secure and stimulating environment, while at the same time keeping an open line of communication with our parents.
Our focus in the toddler room is on the autonomy of the child who is asserting their independence. Apart from the educational and social values, emphasis is also placed on toilet training, speech development, and the acceptance of direction from someone other than a parent.
The latter is accomplished by providing them with a flexible routine with reasonable boundaries to allow for their fluctuating needs.
During this stage of development, the child becomes more and more social in their orientation. They begin to show interest in their peers and parallel play gives way to shared play. This process is facilitated ask the child’s growing mastery of motor and language skills, which enlarges the possibilities for play.
The classroom is structured in such a that it may cultivate these behaviors as well as provide angle opportunities for the children to involve themselves in fantasy imagination and role-playing.
Given the maturity level of the child, we are able to take learning to its maximum potential. The program is aimed at developing pre-reading. pre-writing and pre-math skills.
Stimulating the child’s natural curiosity and providing an opportunity for choice will prepare the child and instill in them a natural love of learning.
Our objective is to enhance the child’s social, intellectual, neural, emotional physical, and creative aspects of development. The Pre-school years are the most important educational development years in a young child. You will find attached a list of the basic objectives of the educational center.
Nos professeurs
Cost for 3 to 18 months : 50$ / 18 months to 5 years : 47$
With Centre Educatif Concept Vert being a fully private daycare, you can take full advantage of allowable federal and provincial refundable income tax credits. In addition, you can ask Revenu Québec to pay you the income tax credit in advance (monthly installments).
Centre Éducatif Concept Vert
(514) 500-1929
06:30 AM - 06:00 PM
Just fill out this form
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